Cave Park Grabovača

Unique Cave Park in Europe

On Monday, July 15, ENTRANCE 2 in Cave Park Grabovača popularly known as 'Ćojluk,' will open its doors! Among the offered activities, paintball and archery stand out, as well as designated barbecue areas, making the picnic area a perfect destination for family outings. Additionally, there is an info booth at the picnic area, which will be open daily from 10 AM to 6 PM. Visitors can get all the information about Cave Park, the tourist offerings of the Municipality of Perušić, and the Lika destination. Also, tickets for the Samograd Cave can be purchased at the info booth, and visitors can refresh themselves with cold drinks after exploring the surroundings.

The picnic area has been further enhanced this year. New benches and tables, panels, additional deck chairs, and a large swing that serves as an ideal backdrop for photography and creating unforgettable memories have been added.

For adventurers seeking excitement on the water, the picnic area offers canoe rentals. If you are looking for a quieter day in nature, simply bring a blanket, good spirits, and enjoy the beautiful ambiance by the river.

Don’t miss the opportunity for a perfect escape from everyday life and visit this magical destination!


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Cave Park Grabovača
Unique Cave Park in Europe

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